Sunday 5 July 2009

Day 5 cont
Safe and sound at 1700 and a total of 74 miles. 9 out of
10 for today. The rain in the last hour spoilt it..I change gear with my right hand. Going up a gear is easy enough, ijust use my first finger. Going down is the problem. I push a lever with my thumb. Am action I am not used to and the rthumb is starting to protest. As I said yesterday life is not a bowel of cherries. Must get the I pod out and play comfortably numb by Pink Floyd.Nite nite


  1. This is amazing. Bridgnorth already, and Parbold tomorrow? Stupendous. Respect.

    Weather forecast is for a cooler week ahead.

    All the very best, boys - with you in spirit. (But in the armchair in body.)


  2. John - going great guns. Your blog is my night-time reading! Admire your perseverance. Could be showery tomorrow, so good luck. Best, Jack
